Well everything i read about ibs just doesnt fit in with my symptoms somtimes the upper right side pain isnt cramping like pain i have never been jandise are yellow and there are a few red flags i...
I just started it about a month ago only taking one pill a day and somtimes skipping a few days i only take it when my stomach and bowells are making crazy noises!...
I can see your point but this gi doc is one of the best they have on the west coast this hospital is ranked number#3 in are nation my two ultrasounds show normal liver size and he always fills around...
they call that edma not always caused by ibs can be caused by other factors i would ask your doc about that and also very hot weather can cause that as well!!...
I dont have hep a-b-c was tested i had a one time thing where my alt was a little hi of 69 but evener since over a year now i have had my lfts done and all 9 of them have been normal other test i...
I get that same thing as you bowell problems right upon waking everyone i have talked to say thats a normal owell problem with ibs i take a imodium just before bed and it helps alot with the problem...
Forrest........I believe you meant to post in UC or Crohns Forums......God Bless ......Lyn...