Thank you for all your help. We have another appointment tomorrow. Well, we actually have two. One with her gastro doc and another with a therapist. She wasn't happy that I made the second...
Thank you for your help. We took her to the hospital again today. They changed her meds up a bit. She is on another mood medication, as well as difulcan and another "swish and swallow" for the...
Her pain is cramping, intense burning, and stabbing. The burning is in her entire lower abdmn, and the cramping is in her upper and lower abdmn, and the stabbing is in her lower left abdmn. She is...
No she hasn't. She is schedule to go to a diagnosis center in another city though. She will have to get a hotel room there, and have tests done for three days. Her Gyno sugested the place. I've seen...
Sooo Frustrated, My mom could only handle it for three days.... As with many of the previous posters, she couldn't handle the side effects long enough to get any benefit from it. If you continue it,...
She went to a gastro doctor at Baylor in Dallas. But only as a referal for more tests, which concluded that her brain didn't have any abnormalities in the "area that controls the stomach and/or...
Canyobabe711, I'm not sure all that my mom has had, but I think she has had: camera swallow, ct, ultrasound, blood work, galblader removed, colonoscopy . . . She has been seeing her gyno, her gastro...
My Mom is on this medication, but it is the lower dose. She has been on it since Wednesday, and the side effects are bad. She has acid reflex already, and this medication makes it ten times worse....
My mother is extremely ill. The doctors aren't really helping her and she is constantly ill... Here is what she is going through: She is healthy for 2 or 3 weeks, then for 10 to 15 days she is in...
Hi, My Mom has recently said that she wished the pain would go away and that she wants to "take a bunch of pain pills and just go to sleep forever". It really scared me. I am so scared for her. No...