Thanks...everyone in my family was getting to think that im crazy in the head...and being a senior in high school sucks cuz ive missed 2 weeks of school cuz of this and if i dont get to the bottom of...
well thanks for the advice...Sarita..if u got any more advice i would like to know...or anyone else......
See ive seen like 5 different doctors and they all told me that my symptoms are saying its my gallblaadder but all my test are coming back normal so they wont do anything i guess and i sure do not...
I had that done and it came but normal just sucks that they dont know whats wrong with and they are suppost to be doctors....whats the point of them being doctors if they dont know whats...
I need some advice on what it could be or what should i do...because the pain comes and goes like i said and im always nausea..and ive been having a slit fever.....
Hi..i was wounding what where your symptoms.......
i have my appendix remove last year so i know thats not what the pains from.....
Hey Im Alyssa and im 17 year old and ive been having pain in my upper right side for like 2 in half weeks and the pain cames and goes im nausea all the time to and i have a slit fever, and at night...