I have been symptom free for about a month and feeling so great. Eating everything right and excercising. Then this last couple days I forgot to refill my birth control and have been feeling horrible...
Is Bentyk the antispasmodic? Dies it make you feel dry I take Levsin which helps but I feel like I'm eating sand....
I think the CBT would be great. Feel like I need some sort of mind warp to keep me from eating foods I know I shouldn't. I have ordered a couple books and have been reading as much on the Internet as...
I have ibs with diarrhea predominately but occasional constipation. Thank you for the tip on antidepressants I will look into that....
I know artificial sugar is a major problem with Ibs but what about natural sugar? Is this ok in moderation. Pure cane sugar. I know HFCS is said to be bad but do you have problems with small amounts...
What's the difference between ibs and ibd? I haven't eaten anything since last might and I still hurt. It's getting very frustrating and hard for me to get to work....
I was just diagnosed with IBS recently and while I'm happy to pinpoint what's wrong With me the pain is sometimes unbearable. even though I have changed my eating I am still having this aching pain...