KATZ, If you don't have any of the other symptoms listed on the below website, I doubt you have MVP. Mitral Valve Prolapse information http://www.consciouschoice.com/1995-98/cc093/hmd093.html Just...
Biofeedback: No, I haven't tried it, but it looks like a good way to train yourself to calm down. It would probably be worthwhile. In my mid-twenties all of these problems calmed down for a time and...
Cathy & Katz, Fibromyalgia: in my case I doubt it. I don't really have any pain. The muscle spasms I get aren't like cramps that hurt. It's just a rapid contractions of various muscles. Annoying, but...
CathyA, >but the tradeoff was that it made me really, really stupid. Sorry, I laughed out loud at that. I'm nearly 39. I'm a commercial artist/web designer and fine artist on the side. My job is to...
djtjp, I work with a girl who has pretty severe IBS. She won't eat out because she'll have an IBS attack. She loves to go camping but has had to return home on several occassions because of the...
CathyA, Again, not officially diagnosed with MVP. On 3 separate occassions I've had a health care professional think that they heard something strange when listening to my heart and then promptly...
Being new, I hope I'm not rehashing something here, but I also have the fluttery chest into throat thing and it's been bad the last 2 months. I have not been officially diagnosed with IBS, though...