Your right 7Lil, stress would account for some increase but even when I'm not feeling stressed, at home relaxing, my pressure can be up 10-20 points during a bout. My feeling is that it may be the...
Good luck with the tests. While I don't have solid evidence of it, it also seems that my blood pressure goes up during IB episodes, but I have only tested my blood pressure a few times during an...
Hello CathyA, Yes, I have found that changing position can reduce the irregular beats. I also have periods where about every 5th beat is slightly delayed and then harder than normal. Use of caffeine...
I too get light headed, racing/pounding heart, and panic just prior to a BM, not all the time. If I catch myself, take a deep breath, and realize it is just another BM, I generally calm down....
I've just missed two days of work because of a spell of IBS. I had pressure under the lower front ribs on the left side. Besides the rumblings and spasms, I also experienced some periods of irregular...