If your symptoms started for the first time after surgery, it could have been triggered by a combination of the stress shock to the system of your surgery and then a disruption to your gut flora with...
Dear A, I'm sorry to hear you are suffering. Maybe I can shed some light while you wait for your appointment. The colon motility, or the ability to move stool out of the body is controlled by the...
pleasure jc:) western medicine hasn't quite caught up yet to other areas of science that are proving these mindbody connections, but in time they will have to get on board, because it's the only way...
Hi jc, Because IBS is in fact a label for a constellation of symptoms of functional digestive issues when no anatomical problem or other test abnormality can be found, the two are very similar. And...
Hi Jerry, I agree, going back to see your doc is important to rule out other things besides IBS, as having blood in the stool is considered not a regular part of IBS, although it can happen if you...
Very interesting study about how ibs sufferers activate the pain pathways in the brain more so than people without ibs, giving even more evidence for the strong mind-body connection in IBS!...
Hi, It sounds like it's been really frustrating, not knowing what's wrong. These symptoms could be a number of things, that's the thing about IBS is that it is usually a 'diagnosis of exclusion'...
Hi, Just to answer you question about foods, yes, there are some foods that can make constipation worse, even coffee sometimes and caffeine, even though this is counter-intuitive and sometimes can...