Thank you Tap, I'm going to look into this. I love that you do it yourself. Thanks so much for sharing. :)...
I hear you PK. I really feel this is one of those things that only YOU can figure out b/c you know your insides better than anyone could ever know. It just takes work and discipline. Work part I can...
My gut feeling (no pun intended) is that I have food allergies too. However, I can pay someone to give me some scientific tests that I don't understand anyway b/c I'm not a scientist for a living or...
Has anyone experienced Erythema Nodosum while dealing with IBD? I have ulcerative colitis (20 years) and this new little side effect is really messing with my ego. LOL What has worked for you to...
Howdy, find a gastro doctor and find out what is going on. I totally agree with kazbern's recommendation. I was finally "officially" diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis 20 years ago. All of your...