I have experienced IBS. Here are some things that have helped me: - exercise - probiotics - marijuana taken orally in a tincture at night When I get out of balance I like to have oatmeal. It seems to...
I have found help for plane travel with a combination of benadryl and a hard candy infused with concentrate of marijuana. Both seem to have a calming effect on my gut and myself as well. I would be...
Maybe...but not for sure. IBS-C is for the constipated side of IBS. This may be what you have. The reason I may not think it is IBS is that it is a new occurrence and not over a long period of time....
I have IBS and have had my gallbladder removed. I have on 3 or 4 occassions gotten incredible amounts of air through belching and the other end too. The air volume in my body bloated me up like a...
I concur that it is likely stomach acid. I note you also don't consider yourself to have IBS. I would recommend keeping a food diary for a while, at least enough to have a few bouts of the burning....
I have heard of this in Japan. Women will not want to have their bathroom sounds heard so they flush the toilet to make a sound cover. The downside of this is that water is scarce in Japan. But for...
I recently had to go on a cross country flight and this is a difficult thing for me as I also worry about the call of nature on the Red Phone. I took Sudafed for the trip because I recall earlier in...
I have found about 90% benefit to my symptoms of IBS by using a tincture of cannabis, or more commonly known as marijuana. I process the MJ with alcohol, vodka or other 80 proof or higher. Then I put...