Hi I have similar problem. I started going every day about 12 months ago but then had constipation heartburn and a couple of episodes of watery diarrhoea. In 33 days I only went three times two of...
Thank you...
Oh I see . I feel sick but haven't vomited . It's more my bowel stopping before stuff gets pushed to rectum . I am scared stiff it will be my stomach pushing on the bowel making it hard for it to...
Thank you Karen but my prob seems to be my waste not moving down my bowel to rectum only so far even tho colonoscopy was clear . Seems tome that's why once the laxative stimulus wears off my bowel...
Def not meds ....
I may do after Wednesday when see gastro consultant again . Dulcolax worked for me today so have felt comfortable most of the day but am now filling with wind and cannot pass it . I'm certain this is...
Thank you for replying . What are full symptoms of gastroparethis? Does it stop you from being able to let gas out . I can burp it out but not the other way . Emergency doc last night said my bowel...
Thank you for replying . My colonoscopy was clear as was ultrasound but as soon as I resumed eating I have blocked up again . No bowel movement despite sennokot max and cannot pass gas . In distress...
Hi Can anyone out there relate to this as I am in pain and panicking mode . Ten weeks ago I started having permanent indigestion . Not realised at time but had change in bowel too . Was given...
Hi does anyone else suffer chronic constipation not related to meds I gave you a subject line, so you'd get more responses. Debbie...