they gave me chemo bat first but it made me so sick plus it wasn't working so now they have me on opdivo imunothearapy and it triggered the lichen planus man it is a tough old go but got to keep...
i was on the wrong forum hope i got it right this time i have lung cancer and have been taking immunothearapy which has triggered my lichen planus thye have to stop treatment till i hopefully get...
oops sorry...
i have lung cancer and have been on immunothearapy this thearapy caused my lichen planus to break out has anyone out there had this happen to them it is a battle between this disease and treatmentsz...
i am still running to the bathroom with diareah it has been probably a week now since i quit the melatonin. i am wondering if anyone that had this did they have a hard time to hold it in when i have...
hahaha that;s what i call myself sometimes i stumbled onto this sight too and finally found out why i was running tot he bathroom so ofter great sight...
holy hope this doesn't go on that long i know i was some sick still had it today but not near as bad...
[black] i am on immunothearapy for lung cancer, and i don't pay for it ,but it seems this drug has been making me break out in what is called lichen planus . i had it way before i knew i had cancer,...
hi i have had the same thing happen to me took melatonin for weeks and couldn't figure out why i had diareah so bad. had stool culter done and it was normal, also getting scan on stomach now and i...