sorry for so mamy threads it keeps saying my other ones somehow are getting deleted, my laptop is messing up! I apologize! They said i did not have celiac , 10% positive, test results were normal! &...
do you get anxiety about going in public and getting sick ( bowel movement)...
Its not celiac sprue, he just said i have a starch malaborption (normal test 5-7) mine test was below 1. But could they be considered malnurtrioned and thats apart of chrons because to be honest i...
i feel like ive gone through what you have, except i had my gallbladder removed from bad results from my HIDA scan! But i feel as if i havent gotten diganoised with chrons yet is because i belive...
ive had pain for about 2 years ive done every test i could think of! I eventualaly got my galbladder taken out in Feb. 2014 thinking that was my problem. Still had lots of pain afterwards! Had a...
My doctor said basically it was just a starch malabsortion. Normal test range from 5-7 and i had below 1! He didnt give me any info on any meds or anything that would help, he just wanted to me to go...
i recently just had a colonoscopy and endoscopy done after enduring 2 years of stomach pain! After having the scopes my doctor was confident in me having IBS, he had taken blood test while i was...
apparently when i had more blood work done it ended up i have a rare disorder where i cant digest starches properly??...
My doctor was confident i only had IBS but told my mom i had imflammation in my terminal iluem! Ive heard before ive had IBS and took meds and ended up back in the hospital! Im tired of getting sent...
Ive had abdominal pains for 2 years now, Im 15 years old. I had my gallbladder removed and have gone through many test! Ive been in the hospital 5-6 times! I had a colonoscopy/endoscopy 2 days ago,...
Ive had terrible on and off bad abdominal pains for about 2 years! Im 15 years old , very active & not obese! Ive been to the hospital 5-6 times with pain, they first thought i was constipated and...