Bromelain is an enzyme extracted from pineapple, mainly from the core and stem part of the pineapple. It is used as a digestive enzymes, meat tenderizer and for pain and inflammation (when taken on...
during a flare take 2 caps of the bromelain 2,000 to 3,000 GDU/cap three times a day on an empty stomach each day until pain and inflammation (no difficulty in bowel movement) is subsided then...
Bromelain helps with the pain and inflammation. When i first started taking Bromelain I was in the middle of a flareup and the pain was excrutiating and i have to use the toilet constantly. Anyway, i...
Hello Jax, Bromelain has helped me tremendously to control the pain and inflammation associated with IBS/UC. You can start with the 2000 - 3000 GDU/cap and take 2 caps three times a day on an empty...