Hi. I am wondering if a person can have negative blood work done years ago and have it come back as positive now? Thanks for your help....
I don't normally post on this board but do read it once in a while. I can't believe others share this symptom ... I thought I was the only one. Two years ago I had daily chest pain/tightness and was...
I googled both Maalox and Zantac and both have constipation listed as a side effect. Not sure if drinking more fluids would help you or not but worth a try. Have you been to the dr. for the...
You are correct in that exercise is a great pain reliever and stress reducer. I'm glad to see that your dr. tested you for more serious things and they came up negative. I'm still concerned though...
I'm having gut issues and he said fish oil can sometimes contribute to this. I found this on the Mayo clinic website; Gastrointestinal upset is common with the use of fish oil supplements. Diarrhea...
I agree with the above posters. If after having all the standard tests (colonoscopy, small bowel follow through, bloodwork, etc) they find nothing then and ONLY then can they diagnose you with IBS....
I take these. Not sure if they really work or not because I've taken them for so long and haven't gone off them to see. When I went to the Dr. last time he asked me to tell him everything I take and...
Hi Orlo /community/emoticons/smile.gif , Sorry to hear you have pain and nausea ... I'm in the same boat as you. I've had these symptoms along with bowel "issues" for 6 years now and after exhaustive...
Here's what the Mayo clinic website says ... Mucus in stool is generally not an indication of a serious problem. Stool normally contains a small amount of mucus — a jelly-like substance that your...
Hi and welcome /community/emoticons/smile.gif I have similiar symptoms on my "bathroom days" that come out of the blue and the only thing I can link mine to is when I haven't been going to the...
Hi and welcome. Sorry to hear about your mom and your dad. In answer to your question yes ... stress can increase IBS symptoms and make it worse. When you said pain between the shoulder blades though...
Hi Tilly, I can identify with you ... I've felt like this for 6 years now and sometimes it really gets me down also. I've found ginger capsules at just about every health food store I've been in....
This is what my doctor says I have and for the longest time the LRQ pain was severe and my only symptom. Seeing that your daughter has Crohn's though and knowing that is the familiar pain associated...
you are too funny /community/emoticons/tongue.gif ...
Hi /community/emoticons/smile.gif Have you tried an elimination diet? I bloat very badly when I consume wheat products and am going to try to totally eliminate it from my diet and see if that helps....
(hugs) sorry to hear about your parents. I know anxiety/stress can do alot of things to the body. Do you think it may be this? If so, maybe getting your feelings down in a diary may help. I also have...
Thanks guys. I've been reading these boards for quite a while & have seen the website PB4 referenced on the Crohn's site and I don't think mine are elephant ears. I do have some Crohn's symptoms and...
I'm wondering if anybody else has anal skin tags. Also wondering if there is anything I can do to get rid of them or make them shrink....
In my house this is dubbed "bathroom day" because when it's my day I'll be in there for hours until I'm emptied out. I literally cannot go anywhere or if I'm out cannot leave for hours. It is...
/community/emoticons/tongue.gif Congrats ... hope you enjoy a long, happy marriage together /community/emoticons/tongue.gif ...
Hi francoisababe, I too get extreme bloating. I measured around my waist a few times and found I can add up to 3 inches when bloated and look 6 months pregnant as my normally flat stomach becomes...
Oh Sarita ... I sincerely wish your body would give you a much needed break. Glad it wasn't meningitis but sorry you had to go through that. You will make the most awesome compassionate doctor, come...
I'm with pb4 on this one. Inflammation cannot cause IBS. I'm wondering if you had a colonoscopy with biopsies or how they found inflammation?...
I go through spurts of nausea for unknown reasons. I find ginger capsules work great for me....
Better yet is the Pico-Salax prep. It's a palatable orange flavor and the amount of liquid you have to drink is small. This is my new favorite prep drink /community/emoticons/smile.gif ...
I took Gas-X and tons of Tylenol. Anybody know if adhesions could cause this pain?...
Thanks Sarita. Yeah, I went to the bathroom alot the same day. It's the localized pain I'm worried about and was just wondering if anybody else had that. I'm sooooo frustrated!...
If anybody here has had this done please tell me if you've experienced severe pain afterwards. I had severe pain in one spot for a day (unable to stand up and walk pain) and uncomfortable still 2...
Do you feel it tighten/loosen when you squeeze/release it? Sounds like they took you seriously as you had some great tests to check this out. I'm NOT a doctor but to me it sounds like constipation...
I just completed a 2 day liquid diet and 45ml bottle of phosph-soda prep on each day (didn't get the whole thing down yesterday but that's another story /community/emoticons/smile.gif . Anyhow, this...
CRP, also known as C-Reactive Protein, is a test which measures the concentration in blood serum of a special type of protein produced in the liver that is present during episodes of acute...
There is no inflammation with IBS....
When inflamed, diverticulitis can and does cause severe pain. A friend of mine is in the hospital at the moment on IV antibiotics and morphine for this while they decided whether or not they are...
I just did the Pico-Salax and it was the best ... 5 oz. with the laxative 2x in one day, very tolerable. If unavailable in the US, Phospho-Soda or magnesium citrate are both less liquid than the...
I'm assuming you guys are experts on this topic so I thought I'd post it here. I had a colonoscopy this morning, ate & drank a bit and since then I still have rancid D and am at times not making...
That's wonderful Sarita. Now what are you going to do with all your free time? (just kidding /community/emoticons/tongue.gif ) When I googled VLS #3 it said "VSL#3® is intended to be used under the...
Has anybody done the Pico-Salax prep and not run clear? I've been on a 2 day liquid diet and did the prep as perscribed, once yesterday at noon and once at 8:00 and I'm still not running clear and...
$1000.00 in Canada with only a handful of places offering it. Have no idea what a colonoscopy costs as we don't pay for that out of our pocket....
Hi /community/emoticons/smile.gif I tried Dicetel in 2004 in hopes it would help with my abdominal pain. I only gave it about 5 weeks and found myself quite constipated with no relief of pain in any...
Update Sarita ... did you get any results?...
How's your blood sugar levels? Do you notice if you feel better after drinking some orange juice or something?...
I feel for you and know what you're going through. Make sure you drink lots and lots of water to flush the barium through your system. February seems like a long time to wait for test results, can't...
I find taking Metamucil capsules daily helps me, in the beginning I did have excess gas but that lessened as I kept taking it. I too suffer from lower backaches and wonder what's up with that....
Hey girl, Sorry to here your garden hose is back and you're not doing well. I truly hope somebody gets to the bottom of this and you get some answers. If I remember correctly, don't you live in...
This is sooo funny ... thanks for the laugh /community/emoticons/tongue.gif ...
IBS usually hits me in the morning and can go on for hours. For myself I get excruciating cramps, spasms and diarrhea and when it's all over hours later, I'm exhausted for the rest of the day. I've...
Hi Damo123, I drink bottled water with no flouride and never get flouride treatments at the dentist. I suppose too much flouride could affect some people's guts but as with everything else, what's a...
Some people believe that you can have both IBS and IBD at the same time. Regardless, you need to go back to the doctor and get bloodwork and a colonoscopy, maybe even a capsule endoscopy (camera pill...
Hi Sabres wife and Sabre; I'm curious if he ever had a capsule endoscopy (camera pill) to check out his small intestine, I'm sure he has but just asking. I've had IBS since I was a child but only in...
Hi Sabre, You are not alone. I'm glad to hear you have a supportive wife. I too have IBS-A with severe bouts of pain & nausea or added enjoyment. My doctor also says chronic C causes my D. All I...