Hi everyone :) I don't know how long it's been since anyone posted so I do hope by now you have all found answers! I was finally diagnosed with Crohns disease after a 9 year journey of consistent...
That makes a lot mote sense to me! I was very confused haha. Thank you!!...
Kazbern, Thank you for your information!! I'm confused now though because I had a blood test for autoimmune diseases and it came back I didn't have one. So does that mean maybe this isn't Crohns? I...
Hi Sammy! I too recently have started having seizures. They got worse about 3 months into my new depression and anxiety medication. I also have seizures in my sleep although I haven't been diagnosed...
I can't figure out how to post a thread to you!! Haha. As for the impaction I almost had to have surgery but they were able to go down with a tube and break a portion of it up and gave me three soap...
Thank you so much for welcoming me here and being so friendly! I'm so glad to have found support! I find it crazy that even though no one I personally know understands what I'm going through there...
Thank you so much! I have a GI but idk about a specialist? This is literally a fe days old to me! I have great insurance so hopefully that will help! I've felt so alone for many years! These symptoms...
:confused: I was FINALLY diagnosed with Crohns after 5 years of Dr's thinking I was a hypochondriac! I'm 21 years old, have already had Carcinoid cancer and many other health problems. I'm worried...