Thanks Ides ~ I will take your advice and ask for a camera endoscopy. That is interesting that a SBFT doesn't always show inflammation....
Thanks Ides ~ my daughter has had a barium small bowel series that came out negative for Crohn's but she has never had the camera study done. Is the the barium series supposed to be conclusive...
Thanks so much Sarita for sharing your experience. My daughter is taking levsin usually 1/2 hour before meals but it doesn't touch the pain. The pain always gets worse after she eats. She has tried...
My daughter who is sixteen has been suffering from IBS D really badly since mid-november. She was diagnosed almost a year and a half ago with IBS but 10mg of Elavil seemed to take care of most of her...
Thanks for posting your experiences. It is so appreciated. I really value all of your advice because it comes from experience....
I just joined this website today due to the advise of a close friend with Crohn's. I have a daughter who is 16 years old and has been suffering with what we have been told is irritable bowel for...