Thanks swan. Wish i was well....
I did see a gyno. He said my uterus is normal. My pain has been worse. This is hell.Just said take birth control. Birth control makes me worse. All i do is cry from this life. My quality of life is 0....
thanks but I don't have endo....
Does anyone get brutal pms and periods symptoms? My period cramps with ibs is brutal . I cant move and scream and cry. I cant handle it. I tried pills and herbs but to no avail. Please someone help....
Hey I have severe foot and ankle pain and stuck in wheelchair for most of the day which is killing me! My docs says it is probably RA but blood work did not show it. I am getting a bone scan in May...
Hey I was wondering if any women have brutal menstrual cramps that fee like your dying and wish you would? I;ve tried teas raspberry leaf, fennel, ginger, turmeric, mint, licorice, lemon grass, lemon...