Not yet. Have to go for another ultrasound Tomorrow, the CT Scan on Thursday and no date yet for the endoscope....
I must be different as I have extreme GAS but NO smell at all. Does that mean I'm eating well and something is causing so much GAS?...
I'm pretty scared as I went in to see the GI thinking it was IBS but he seemed concerned with my Pancreas and Liver more then anything else. The GI carried out blood work, a stool sample and I'm...
Thanks for your reply Lynnwood. My Rheumy said that because my Ro and La was positive it was Primary Sjogrens, so I just took his word for it. So can someone with Lupus also have a positive SSA and...
In my case it's short term memory loss and lack of concentration. Recently drove to see my Dad, he has lived in the same street for years, must have visited him 500 times and coming home I got lost....
I'm a 44 year old man, who has never smoked and drinks only a little alcohol, eats reasonably well. For as long as I can remember I have always felt run down, always catching colds, when I do catch...