He felt that the build up of bacteria and an overgrowth of yeast was effecting the way that my body was breaking down hormones so it was causing chaos in my body. I was on Depo Provers for 2 years...
The experience I had with the nautropath yesterday was a great one. It's the first time I have actually sat down with a doctor and felt that I was truely listened to. The doctor that I saw uses...
Thank you all for your replies. Keriamon, I too found the IBS diagnosis was a little strange because I didn't have diarreha/constipation and my diet was pretty bland to begin with. The only problem I...
I have not had an EGD, but I am scheduled to have an abdominal ultrasound as well as a Barium xray. I've been told not to worry about that because the stuff just tastes chalky. Although the...
Thank you so much for your reply. I live off ginger tea as well as mint and chamomile. You're not getting carried away.......it means a lot that you took the time to read this and reply. I don't...
I'll try to make this short. First things first I have felt nauseous for the last 4 months and no I am not pregnant. I started feeling naseous around the end of Nov and it got so bad that I ended up...