thanks again!...
What was that website again for the muscle milk?...
any suggestions on how to put on weight with this condition?...
After my gallbladder was removed I had a couple of days of diarrhea after I ate..and it cleared up on it's own...however, the" urgency" to go still exists after all my meals!! It's making me soo...
the doctor also suggested effexor may help with my extreme anxiety that I always have had, but it seems to have gotten worse since I had my gallbladder removed and developed this type of IBS....
Is calcium carbonate the one to take? and how much? I'm on my third day of Welchol and really haven't seen a diarrhea, just constant urgency.....and it's sending me into ANXIETY...
I usually eat very well. But this "urgency" happens after everything ,even just a little snack like applesauce, or a small piece of protein. I had the diarrhea for only a day or two, but this...
Thanks for the info!!!!!...
how long does welchol take to "kick in"? My diarrhea is gone, but I still experiece the "urgency" after I eat. I just started the drug today...I took 2 pills about 2 hours ago. Just an FYI, I had my...