thanks 7Lil I will bear that in mind. Don't think I mentioned but I'm a 25 year old male FYI, and I really think my problem is down to stress and I am seriously considering taking a period off work...
Hey 7lil, Are you a digestive specialist yourself? It's just getting help from these forums is all well and good but how do I know it's a reliable source? In any case I am very grateful for your help...
I think I have been tested for celiac, I'll ask about the others. I have been taking ultra-levura for about 2 weeks now. My specialist only recomended me taking those danone yoghurts so I'm unsure as...
Hi 7Lil, thanks for your reply, much appreciated! Ah ok I'll stop taking zucchini and aloe vera then! As for the flora tablets, they're called Ultra-Levura Saccharomyces boulardi 56,5mg,...
Hi, I've recently been told I have IBS as I have had diarrhea, gases, abdominal pains almost every week for the past 2 months and doing my best to dig myself out of this hole. At the moment I feel...