There are some differences between anxiety and depression and some similarities as well... Anxiety Symptoms: -Muscle tension -Sweating -Nausea -Cold, clammy hands -Difficulty swallowing due to...
I just want to forward you to a website with LOTS OF INFORMATION on some ways to help treat allergies and sinusitis... Through dietary changes, supplements, etc... It sounds like you have been...
Hello baseballmom, I had the same experience with my doctor, kept dismissing me after MRI, spinal tap, all that fancy medical stuff. I got so disgusted and fed up. All he wanted to do was prescribe...
Howdy, Good post, good point, good stuff!!! I have been taking a magnesium supplement here for awhile (along with a calcium supplement), and I am feeling as good as I have in awhile. It has lessened...
Brandi, If it worked in the past it is always worth another shot... That is if your pocketbook can afford it... Have had pretty good success with it... I have heard of Sun Chlorella, mostly good...
Raise your hand if you hate IBS (hand is being raised here). I have tried numerous remedies, some outlandish and some simple. I am currently feeling as good as I ever have and I attribute it to a few...