I take three or four a day at the moment. Really worried that I won't be able to get hold of anymore..not sure if they were put on repeat or not.....
yes oneday im in the uk. can you tell me roughly how much repeat prescriptions are?...
Yes thank you...
this wont help much but yes...
I'm now taking this. My doc told me to see him again in three weeks if the spasms were the same ( I have IBC C ) or worse but if the Buscopan eases the pain I'm assuming I get a repeat prescript ion...
7Lil I was told by my Doc to take them three times a day and when I feel the cramps. Currently taking twice a day and when I feel the cramps....
I can relate to this too. I hope it helps you to know you are not alone....
Didn't have a colonoscopy - no tests at all. I'll have a look at gastroparesis Indersonu, thank you - never heard of that of that before. It just confuses me, what do I do with these anti -...
thank you Dbab for your reply. It wasn't so much that I was saying no to further testing and more that I was clearly nervous of these being suggested and also anything more than my stomach being...
I have finally been to the Doctors and have been diagnosed with IBC - C. I am in the U.K. I wanted to mention that incase it changes the advise I am given, I was given Buscopan to help with the...
I know the concensus is that IBS pain is worse in a morning but I tend to get mine at night. I haven't yet had an official diagnosis. Does this mean what I am feeling is indeed not IBS? Syrup....
Can this happen with IBS - C? So much so to actually go up a dress size? I feel pretty uncomfortable... Syrup...
hugs, you'll be just fine....
I think I may have IBS - C but maybe alternating with D. I get intermitten cramps and this can be relieved when I go to the toilet. I'm so scared of going to my Doctor though incase they want to...
I've been depressed for 2 years now ( I'm 17 so perhaps the youngest here..) I'm involved with the CAMHS (UK) and have therapy etc. I've always had trouble fitting in and always thought it's my...
erm..I have, it worked a little for me I do believe. Good luck...