Anyone feel really wacked out and spacey in the head after a bad bout of IBS-D? I feel a little unreal right's weird. Sort of heavy in the head. Subsequently, I'm getting an ultrasound done...
HECK YEAH. I just had my period and it was so unfun. When you're menstruating, your body is pumping out hormones to help slough the uterine lining, which is the cause of cramping. I'm guessing that...
Hey Floss, I just read about your weather-related symptoms (you get panic attacks before tornadoes, etc.) I too get really jumpy and aggitated right before a low pressure system hits...mostly during...
Thanks for your replies! Is there anything I can do to help reduce the amount of bile that gets into the intestinal tract? That's where I seem to get into seems the presence of bile in...
Okay, so this morning I decide to start running (jogging/walking's been a while). It's the only time I have to devote to exercise during the day and I used to do it a few years back....
Do any of you find it takes longer than most to get over a stomach bug? I think I picked one up in my travels and it's been about 2 weeks of fatigue and touchy stomach symptoms. Thanks!...
I recently purchased "The 7 Day Detox Miracle" -- has anyone tried this (or any other detox program). I like the idea of giving my GI tract a rest, but I worry about the low blood sugar thing....
Hang in there! I totally agree with you on the second brain thing...Sometimes, my gut lets me know ahead of time that it's in trouble (gastronomically-speaking), like I feel sort of jumpy and...
Yup, that's right. Huge LOTR fan :)...
Thank you for your thoughtful replies. Any idea why nausea speeds up the heart rate so much? Thanks again!...
I'm sorta freakin' out here. I just read some posts about gall bladder disease and I'm wondering if that's what's going on with me. Here are the symptoms of one of my lovely episodes: -- sudden onset...
THANK GOD I found this forum...particularly this entry about panic attacks before a BM. If I have too much caffeine this will most definitely happen to me. All of a sudden, I start to feel hot and...