I was wondering if digestive enzymes would help me - I do not have a gallbladder and was wondering also if since I do not have a gallbladder would it hurt/help?...
Yes I am taking probiotics - I take Kyo-dophilus and welchol(have no gb)...
I have been looking to add fiber to my routine but I have no idea which type of fiber supplement would be good for diarrhea? Metamucil, Benefiber, Citrcel or... Which kind is good for diarrhea to...
Hi 7Lil, Thanks for the welcome... I hate to take antibiotics because of the antibiotic diarrhea! I will continue to take the cultrelle and the SB probiotics and will take my welchol too. I love...
I have recently had a treatment of flagyl and doxoycline(sp) for an infection that ended last Saturday and I have been having diarrhea since even during the treatment. I took cultrelle but it had...