Thanks for the info!...
Would it still be an allergy if it happens sporadically? Sometimes (Long periods of times) I can eat dairy and have a glass of wine without any symptoms whatsoever. Would that still be the case do...
Thank you!!...
WOW! THat's so funny - becasue I was thinking the same thing! I also get pain when sitting at my computer and posture DOES have something to do with it! If I sit hunched - with that posture, the...
Des - Quick question - The pain I have is in my lower left area, but in the back - appearing to be in the descending colon (the part that runs vertically on your left side). At times, this pain is...
Well - This helps a lot! Again - it seems that the whole IBS thing is very individual specific and non-descript - again, by exclusion. It doesn't sound like Diverticulosis is what is ailing me - but...
Thanks for responding - I hope there are answers here too! /community/emoticons/smile.gif I have what I call "episodes". Some that last a week, others longer. Currently, I am having an episode that...
I have come to this message board as someone who hasn't ever posted a question on the internet anywhere - ever... I am coming out of frustration, because I cannot get a solid answer to one single...