Thamkyou for showing your interest I probably sound totally barmy but I want to get to the bottom of this as my doctor is pretty lame and sent me packing with a box of fibogel and told me to avoid...
I have just been diagnosed with IBS last week and to be honest you sound like me, I also suffer with the nausea (which for some reason seems worse on a night) and also suffer from lack of appetite, I...
I had an emergancy c-section 2 and half years ago to deliver my daughter, and afterwards they said I would experience some quite bad wind, which I did, but it has crossed my mind that this may have...
Hi guys, right I'm in need of some help!!, I have been diagnosed with IBS just 3 days ago, and I really don't know much about it /community/emoticons/confused.gif , anyway, my symptoms are mostly...