It's so great to hear a success story! You know, it makes perfect sense that Caltrate would work for you! As an IBS C sufferer, I steer clear of calcium because it will turn my insides to cement....
Yes, I've done the colon hydrotherapy. Loved, loved, loved it! I have NEVER felt better in my 35+ years of dealing with IBS C. I was referred to the clinic by my GI specialist, believe it or not! He...
I'm guessing, from what you've described, that you're not having regular and thorough bm's? For me, that guarantees suffering in all the same ways you listed. When I get that bad, I do a mag cit...
I get the brand name SENNA from Rite Aid - not the Senokot. I take between 2 and four a day. I take it in conjunction with the herbs and have had a lot of success with this system. But as with all...
I will pass along to you something that my last GI specialist told me. Trapped gas is trapped for one reason only - stool in the colon. Whether you are having bm's or not, you may not be thoroughly...
May I recommend that instead of correctol you try Senna. I was "hooked" on correctol for a bit and I have to say it really was horrendous after a period of time - lots of pain and cramping with...
I take a chinese herb daily and senna. When things get really bad, I do a magnesium citrate purge, which always works really well. After 30 years with IBS, I have concluded that nothing "works" in...
On these forums, it's acceptable to be "obsessed" with your bowels. In fact, our bowels KEEP us obsessed. Nothing is more life-altering than having a digestive system that doesn't work properly! Do...
I've never had any success with Miralax. And I SUFFER with chronic C. When I get that backed up, I turn to my no-fail treatment - magnesium citrate. You can purchase this at any grocery of pharmacy....
Did not work for me. In fact, it really made me worse. Lots and lots of gut distress with excessive gas and insufficient movements. Many have had good results but I was not one....
I've been dealing with a fissure for years now. It's terribly frightening when you see that bowl full of bright red blood! You just KNOW it's not hemmies! The good news is they're fairly easy to...
I suffer with trapped gas and C as well. It's miserable. I understand your frustration. You didn't say if you have been unable to have a BM - have the laxatives worked? Is anything moving through?...
Oh my, the WEDDING NIGHTMARE SCENARIO! I have one coming up on the 4th of July - my son's - and the stress has been overwhelming for more than a year! I don't have to "travel" but with IBS, any...
I haven't been on the forums in awhile but I logged on this morning because I was feeling so down about missing Church AGAIN due to gut problems. I saw your post and realized, once again, that I am...
I used colonics, or colon hydrotherapy as it is called, for quite some time. I would highly recommend it as a VERY TEMPORARY remedy for chronic C. I don't think I've ever felt as good as I did when I...
As the queen of trapped gas, let me echo the "belly massage" suggestions. Getting in there and digging deep into the pockets where the stupid and painful gas is locked will help break things up and...
Marsky, It's the nature of this dopey "syndrome". Being "incurable", it should be expected that NOTHING will offer sustained relief. The best I can hope for is a few weeks in a row and even that is...
Rachel, I used those products for years and I can assure you they are LESS effective (and have unknown side effects due to ZERO regulations) than your average $1.50 bottle of magnesium citrate....
Also, as others may have mentioned, Chrons and IBD actually do show up on a colonscopy as inflammation in the colon. With IBS, there is no signs of disease....
I struggle still with the mediciation questions. I don't take anything for pain but that's primarily because I can't handle the inevitable constipation - I already have enough of that! But I do...
Yes, and I can remember the very FIRST time I experienced severe constipation and was old enough to verbalize it (as a little kid, I remember enemas too!). I was about 15 years old and I told my mama...
Gotta love those wacky Russians. It looks more like an ear syringe than an enema bag!...
Enjoying newly-wedded bliss, are ya? You're always missed when you're MIA!...
When your medicine cabinet is so filled with laxatives, Immodium, Mylanta, Fleets, fiber supplements, gas pills, etc., that there is no room for toothpaste or toothbrush. When you have to set your...
Well, I haven't been taking it every day and in fact, didn't take it at all this week because of the grueling work schedule. But what I did observe while I was taking it the first five days was an...
For those with IBS related pain on the right side, it might be helpful to bear in mind that the twists and turns of the colon are often the places where gas and stool get "trapped". Many folks...
I second that, I'm proud of you too gutastrophe! I no where near pulled such a shift cooking at a middle school cafeteria (currently off for the summer), but I started many a day with my apron...
BRAVO!!!!! Gut, I am sooooo happy for you. What a relief! And, what an accomplishment. J Isn’t it amazing how the mind and body work? Hopefully this wonderful experience has [b] opened new doors for...
Tootiebug, Just wanted to respond that I have had arrhythmia for years. When I was in my 20's, they dx me with MVP and colitis. Recently, an ultrasound indicated I do not have MVP and I am more...
No, I haven't been "cured" of my IBS. BUT, this weekend I managed to throw my depression and social phobia into remission by pushing myself OUT of my comfort zone. The primary motivator? MONEY. As...
Welcome back and God bless your marriage! Where are you going for your honeymoon?...
When a toilet isn't working, it really creates so many problems! I remember thinking how awful it was after Hurricane Katrina, in the Superdome and realizing if I was ever in an emergency situation...
Reglan was not recalled. I just filled a prescript ion for it last week. You might be thinking of Zelnorm....
Normal, How very sweet of you to make such a generous offer! I found out the other day that the kids are planning to book hotel rooms very close to the pier where the ferry boat is docked. I can't...
Yes, dear friend - it sounds like you've been living in my head. It's funny - I spend a bit of time on a religious forum but I don't dare post about the kinds of feelings I've been having lately...
Canyon, Boy, you've been spot on so far about everything! I left the dopey tag on the door yesterday, waited around ALL DAY LONG, and the PO never returned! Gonna have to go over there today. I don't...
Just got off the phone with my doc and he he gave me the thumbs up. Now I'm just waiting for the postman to return with my package!...
"Gastrophobe" - is that my new name! /community/emoticons/tongue.gif Love it! Definition: someone who is terrified of gas! This morning when I left the house I found a tag from the post office on my...
Marsky, I can so relate to your posts. It is true - we have to learn a "new normal" and it continues to be a challenge to "fit in" with the non-IBS folks without doing further damage to ourselves....
Okay, I have a report. My "experiment" has now been running for about a week. I've taken the Reglan for the last three days, one pill each time. Today, I did remember to take it exactly 30 minutes...
Doctors used to say that IBS flares could be "seasonal". I remember being told this back in the old days, when they were still calling it "spastic colon"....
I've eaten only one meal a day for about 20 years. I guess you could say I fast for 8 to 10 hours a day, or until I know that I am in for the night with no obligations after the meal. But I have...