Dawn, how long did the Activia take to help you? And.. did you get sick if you forgot for a few days? Just curious....
I get the same feeling. It is rather miserable. I am 30 so I am still PMSing and let me tell you! During PMS my flares are horrible and I don't know which pain is which. **HUGS** Here's hoping for a...
My flareups tend to be twice a month or so. Usually, they are following high stress times, or when I've not eaten 'properly'. I'm back on probiotics and trying to eat well. But, last night I had the...
Activia is supposed to regulate you either way (C or D). I'm on day 2 of it *again*. It really helps when I eat one a day. But, I fell off the wagon with the holidays and forgot... badness. Once you...
/community/emoticons/sad.gif Hello all. Your stories have really inspired, helped me to cope with, and made me realize I am not the only person suffering like I a. I have had problems with my...