yes; scared2getsick has changed the option & no longer is e-mail available to the membership [it IS safer that way]...
pb4: your signature reminds me of what the 3rd graders would do with $100 Konsyl is a brand I've seen, but $15 for 75 doses seems too high to me; Wal-Mart's Equate has a 114 dose with 'no-sugar' for...
go into your control ppanel ad put in an e-mail address; when completed; the 1st box by your name should hover to the address; see sacred2besick...
You could turn on you e-mail address; maybe one for stuff like this forum [to remain anonymous]; I'd rather my person stay sort of hidden. embarssing as this time is. My doc is internal/rheumatology...
I am a 51 yo male, 30 year history of ortho issues, many with constipating drugs [vicodan]. When in the hopsital; I get colace to attempt to counteract the opiates. My last stay almost 2 years ago...
I am male, 51, 30 year ortho patient; dx maybe 2 years ago, it took about 2 weeks to get 'approved' . Given what everyone has written; there is alomost NO doubt that I suffer from IBS. Some of the...