Hello all, Not posted for awhile. For a long time I thought certain foods were triggering my ibs or making it worse so i tried the 'ibs diet', which basically meant not eating anything nice. That did...
Hi, Sorry to hear you are having a rough time, I went through the same trauma as you recently, all the tests, the frustration of doctors!!! I have tried i dont know how many pills, fibredrinks that...
Hi, The sigmoidoscopy was clear. The blood is bright red, feels like there may be a tear or something. Ive tried cutting absolutely everything out my diet but still get ibs. The pain is with any food...
Oh and I also feel nauseus a lot too....
Hello everyone, Ive not posted for awhile as theres been a lot going on. Im waiting for my 2nd hospital appointment to come because my ibs is not getting better or more manageable no matter what the...
In total Ive been suffering for 5 years but it only got really bad about a year ago. Since then Ive been on different pills and meds but to no avail. Ive had a flexible sigmoidoscopy so far but...
Hi Sarita, I am interested to know how your test went? I have the flushing symptoms and would like to know more about the 5-HIAA Test. Thanks Anns...