Thanks for the tips, I'll try today and tomorrow. Warm liquids sound good plus the wet massage. Thanks for your support Joe K...
I have a colostomy and a urostomy and was doing well until recently started get nauseous, and vomitting after a few days i went to the ER and they admitted me with a blockage. Liquid diet and mild...
I don't understand about the rectal stump. I had my colostomy last year as an emergency colon perforation immediately after bladder removal and urosotomy. I went for a take down discussion in Augusta...
I am having my takedown in September we hope. Been since October 2011 when I had surgery. Anxious and don't know what to expect, your posts and support to the forum have really help me get over the...
I started having occasional testicular swelling and pain for two months. I had an episode years ago with epididymitis, and was treated with anti-biotics, anyone had any thing similar. Waiting for an...
Good travel site for ostomies Have a great trip, what about bathing suit, any tips?...
Here is a good site with tips for travel from ...
Has anyone had any experiences at airports with the TSA concerning ostomies. A friend said I should have a letter from my doctor stating my two ostomies so the TSA would know. Any advice. Thanks...
Thank you, i had my colostomy in Oct 2011 and we are waiting another 6 months for the reversal. Dr said there would be discharge and it is a normal production of the colon. I am using depends...
Has anyone experienced a rectal mucous discharge after a reversible colostomy? If so what did you do for this? Depends? maxipads? absorbent material? Any suggestions? Thanks...
Hello, I am a new member of the forum having my two surgeries at the end of October and really don't have clue of what to expect during the healing process, occasional fever, headaches, rectal...