My husband is currently going through testing for proteinuria and I don't know what the issue is at this point. He has, for a few years, had either negative, trace, or +1 protein on a dipstick UA. He...
Jamaica, I agree. Occasional heartburn is one thing, but gerd that develops relatively quickly seems like we should be investigating more. So many people just want to treat it, but if we can pinpoint...
Do most of you think there is a specific reason that a person gets GERD? I wonder because I often see posts that say "You need to find out why you are having GERD". I know certain things, like a...
I guess I am just concerned to postpone the endoscopy because what if I am having silent reflux, as is one possibility all along? Will putting off the endoscopy a few months be enough time for...
I've posted my story before but basically I was diagnosed with GERD by accident when I had an Upper GI for something else. I wasn't treated since I had NO symptoms but 13 months later got an...
Thanks, Ashley. I am having heartburn right now but I am confident that it is a rebound effect of coming off of the PPI's. I have never had it before in my life. I am going to follow up with my GI in...
Thanks, Bruce. I understand that -- I do. It's just so hard for me. I am 27 years old. I have a baby boy to raise and I am so afraid that this is going to turn into cancer. I have severe anxiety...
I know that heartburn is only one symptom, but the sad part is that I have never had ANY symptoms. Not one. No regurgitation, no sore throat, no coughing, nothing.... I am able to tolerate the PPI's...
Hi Bruce, I read your response and I appreciate the thought. One thing I do want to mention -- I am no longer on Dexilant. My GI took me off of it because she wants to see if a follow up endoscopy in...
So, if it is silent reflux, does that mean that I will have to be on PPI's for the rest of my life?...
Does anyone have any ideas? I am in tears and just so frustrated by all of this....
I believe my case of "GERD" is a little unique, so I'll try to not be too long winded. about 20 months ago, I was sent for an upper GI by a doctor who was honestly trying to make extra money off of...
I guess I am just so confused by all of this. I don't have any symptoms AT ALL, but obviously I am having reflux since it has shown up on 2 Barium Swallows now (even though the amounts were only...
lanab- I'm not sure what you mean by "depends how much you can stand it". I don't mind taking the PPI's (of course I would rather be off of them but they don't cause any side effects to me) and I...
Also, Kitt- You mention that the nurse explained the test results correctly, so does that mean the "minimal amount" of reflux would be considered "normal"?...
Thanks for the replies. I don't actually have ANY symptoms of reflux. It was sort of an accident that I even found out I had it. So..if PPI's still allow reflux but it is less acidic, is it...
I'm feeling a bit hopeless...I have posted before but I'll give my background (sorry it's a little long). 2 months after having my son, I had an Upper GI due to stomach pains. The stomach pains ended...