thanks for the info....
Thanks to everyone that have answered my questions. I will be passing the info on to my daughter. Grammy4...
Is there a diet of should eat and should not eat for Lupus? If so where can I find it. Also so dose anyone use vitamins or minerals that help? What type of sunscreen do you use? Thanks,Grammy...
What exatly causes flares for you guys? Can you tell you are going to have one, if so how? And how long do they last? Thanks for any input....
Hi, I am new to the site so I was looking back at some of the posts. I can tell you this... my daughter whom was dx with Fibro years ago, also has Lupus. Her blood tests are all negitive, which I...
Thanks again to all that answered my questions. grammy...
grammy04 ...
/community/emoticons/sad.gif Hi, I just joined this site and chat group. My daughter was dx with Lupus of the skin, and also has symptoms of lupus in her body, but blood test is normal. She is 30...