[i][color=blue>Hi] [b][i] Good luck D ...
[i][color=blue>Remember] a month ago exactly a month ago. Well, I have had problems with it healing. Just taking a long time. A real pain in the rear. ...
[i][color=blue>Okie] he he he. I did not ask what caused it ...
[i][color=blue>Ok] [b][i] good and he liked his work. I did pop a few stitches but all is well. I will still be healing internally for a few months and am having discomfert tonight. I have to watch...
[b]Thanks] Once again thank you all and how good it feels to take a shower and get my hair wet. I had to go a few days with out doing that. [i] [/b]...
[i][color=blue>Hi] not so fast.. The lump was over my spine and at the base of my skull. I had to lay for 45 min. perfitically still. If I moved and dr spilled well you can get the jist..4 internal...
[i]I know the prices for wheel chairs in disney are not bad. I use a wheel chair when we go. I live in FL and go all the time. I do get up and walk the little hills so it is not bad on my husband....
[i]Be sure you can get homeowners insurance before you come down. State farm is pulling out and now my husband and I are trying to find some. Not very easy to do. I found some but no name brand...
[i]I have a question is that short and long term threw your employer or is it SSD? [/b]...
[i]If you can be home schooled that would be great or if your parents can not dothat maybe someone else can. Or home school at night. [/b]...
[i][color=blue>How] if you leave class a few min. early to get to the next class. Maybe your friends can help you to they can take turns getting you from place to place. You can always check with...
[i]any and everything will help. [/b]...
[i]Wow Joe she sure is a lucky lady you must really love her. You are a very special man. Most would have left her or told her to just get over it. I just hope she relizes how lucky she is. [/b]...
[i][color=blue>Hey] [b][i] [i]this is just a kind place and no one judges you no matter what. They have unconditional love... [/b]...
[i][color=blue>Sounds] [b][i] Good Luck ...
[i][color=blue>hey] it they closed the door in her room and left her there. 1 hour later my dad was there with Dr and sent my mom home with a private nurse. But on the other had they have also had...
[i]I would get all my ducks in a row. Get in touch with Drs and get all your records and have Drs right letters saying you have not gotten any better and hilight those points not the ones you got...
[i]This] the pumps on the toung. Here is what i got for more gotolupus and go to 3rd page this was the most helpful. [i] [/b] Hi tink, I'm sorry I was so busy earlier I hope you got some releif by...
[i][color=blue>Chris] [b][i] [i][color=#0000ff> [b] [i][color=#0000ff> [b] [i][color=#0000ff> [b][i]
[i][color=blue>Thanks] [b][i] [i][color=#0000ff>I] [b][i] [i][color=#0000ff> [b][i]
[i][color=blue>I] [b][i] Thanks for reading ...
[i][color=purple>To] [b][i] [i]I would use them to ship something to someone else let them deal with it. [/b]...
[i][color=purple>Feel] [b][i] [i]Welcome Ginny .... Congrats..... [/b]...
[i][color=blue>he] it. He felt around it and that was really all he did. It is hard to see a Rh in my aria ther really are not to many of them. I have had these before when I had my first flair all...
[i][color=blue>I] [b][i] Thank you all for reading this post I do thank you all. ...
[i]My husband looked at it today and it is very close to my spine but it is right under my skull. I am going to try every thing I can to get in on Monday to see anybody..... [/b]...
[i]Where in New Jersey are you from? I have lived in the Woodbridge aria and at the beach. [/b]...
[i]Today is Saturday and yesterday I woke up with a huge bump on the back of my neck it is larger than a grape. Today it turned hard and really hurts. I told my husband that if it is not better...
[i][color=blue>I] it.. Please help in lots of pain. I just googled it and it can come from Lupus and my skin is going into a flair. Merry Christmas here is your flair. I have not been understress...
[i][color=blue>Way] [b][i]You deserve to celebrate have a hot fudge sunday. [i][color=blue>Good] [b][i]You should be very proud of yourself [img]/community/emoticons/yeah.gif do the happy dance........
[i][color=blue>I] it. I was wondering if it was my Lupus acting up. Good topic. It is like we go threw the same things at the same time. ...
[i][color=blue> [b][i]
[i][color=blue>No] ...
[i]You just have to love Sherrine's coments are you nuts my water pill is kicking in I almost peed my pants. LOL LOL LoL ROFL BRB have to go pee [/b]...
[i][color=blue>Hi] a month ago and had one whole side removed. Before the surgey she was in the hospital 2 times her boold was thin and has not eaten much at all . Now the surgery is over with and...
[i]Good luck Alice I will be thinking of you. [/b]...
[i]Hi Corinne, This is a great place to be. I to just read alot and get LOL in for the day.... [/b]...
[i]I guess it is just to keep a eye on every thing if there is something wrong somewhere this way they can keep a eye on things...??? [/b]...
[i]Thanks for infor I checked with Dr. and I should be ok but am going to go in and have blood work. Just to ease my mind. [/b]...
[i][color=blue>Here] my illness and being around people who are sick. I have open skin due to the lupusand was over at there house. Should I be concerned or not. [i][color=#0000ff> [b][i]
[i][color=blue>Now] ...
[i][color=blue>How] [b][i] [i][color=#0000ff>Thanks] [b][i] [i]Ps what tribe are you from? [/b]...
[i][color=blue>If]www.herrschners.com they are a huge craft store that has catalog ordering to and you can get them over the phone they have a 800 number and they can get them for you and they have...
[i]some lawyers will help with the paperwork... [/b]...
[i][color=blue>I] it. Mine lay eggs but never hatch. She rolls them in the pond. Everyone calls me duck lady. It could be worse..... ...
[i]Alice, Get in your car and drive over the bridge and go to the Toms River hospital around there ,there are alot of Drs offices behind the hospital and the road behind there on Lakehusrt Road...
[i]You can go out to dinner to [/b]...
[i]Thanks I am going to give it a whirl.... [/b]...
[i]Confusion.... very tired not able to focus or consentrate..... brain out to lunch with out the rest of the body. For me I have a hard time talking and it feels like my brain shuts down. When this...
[i][color=blue>Hey] [b][i] I would like to have more info on your carb counting. Is there a web sight you use or any good books out there to get one started. I printed up your diet hints and have...