I know this is a fairly vague question, but I was just curious as to what signs/symptoms any of you have experienced as far as kidney involvement with the lupus. Thanks :-) MJ...
I'm sending happy thoughts your way!!!!...
Hey Carol, That site was great, I loved how it broke down the three conditions individually. Hopefully I will get some answers on Monday! -MJ...
here is a good link that discussed both polymyositis and dermatomyositis http://www.medicinenet.com/polymyositis/article.htm...
Hi again! I came back deficient in C1 esterase inhibitor which is apparently one of the markers for dermatomyositis. I don't see the immunologist until next week, so Im wondering if I will get an...
Hi! One of my first symptoms was awful facial swelling, mostly around my eyes, nose and cheeks. It was so bad that I would have to be awake for over an hour sitting upright until the swelling went...
Yeah, that's all that same stuff I found, I just don't know how to interpret any of it! Thanks /community/emoticons/smile.gif ...
Hi everyone. Just a question of a result from a lab test I had drawn. The immunologist had ordered some tests, and my Absolute CD4+ Cell count was really elevated. All I can find on google or any of...
Amyone have issues with this? It's the one thing I keep forgetting to ask my rheumy about, and I feel like Im showing signs. Thinking of checking my sugars tonight at work just to make sure. Im...
This is something I experience quite often. I've always had insomnia as long as I can remember (dating back to elementary school.... I'm a bit high strung!). I've been having terrible insomnia...
Hi Debbie, Sorry you are going through all of this, too. I'm not really sure about the muscle weakness. I mean, I'm a scrawny little thing to begin with, and I always attributed my lack of strenght...
Hey everyone, Today I went to the immunologist that my rheumy referred me to b/c I came back deficient in C1 inhibitor. The immunologist is now working me up for hereditary angioedema and...
Hey, I recently bought this concealer from Sephora called 'Amazing Concealer' by Amazing Cosmetics. It really is amazing, it hides the dark circles and all the rashes and discoid patches I get on my...
Congrats!!!! Very exciting news!...
Hello, Just wanted to thank you both for the info. I did see on quite a few websites (clearly not very reputable) that having the negative ANA makes lupus unlikely. Even some of my nursing books say...
Hello everyone. Its been a few weeks since I posted, just wanted to process everything that's been going on lately. I had my first rheumy appointment almost 3 weeks ago. I was really impressed with...
Hi again everyone, Thanks for your support so far, it has been much needed and helpful! I had a rough weekend and was sent home early from work. Everything hurt and itched, and most parents don't...
Hello everyone. New to the board. Have had a ton of ongoing symptoms and Im getting more and more nervous as the first rheumatologist appointment gets closer. I already have a congential heart defect...