yes I was on Plaquenil, that was the one she was willing to try but I had an allergic reaction to it. :sad: And yeah that's what she said, that my immune system is what's holding the hepatitis in...
I was told after having some liver tests that I have Hep C, this of course makes my Rhuemy nervous as she said the immune system is what keeps it incheck. If she were to put me on an Immuno drug the...
I am so glad you are feeling better! It makes me happy to see when this happens to our wonderful people! :turn: God bless you and yours...
Most of my pain is left side, hip..wrist etc. The right hurts but never as bad....
Oh thank heavens, thanks so much Lynnwood...that gives me great hope! :wink:...
I had just commented on how well the Plaquenil was working in such a short time and WHAM! here comes a reaction. I started itching from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. :( I called my...
Wondering if my Plaquenil could be helping after just 3 weeks? I have much less inflammation and have stopped my painkillers now also. I still suffer if I overdo things but all in all I feel better...
[/b]I started with Ultram for my hips, but I am now taking Vicodin when it's bad....
[b]Hello, Well yesterday I had my first interaction (battle) with a wheelchair :sad: It was pretty ugly, I couldn't reconcile being independent and walking my whole life to now relying on others and...
Hi, I just read the questions and comments about the pain and burning of breasts, I had never felt that till 1 hour literally felt like the nipples were on fire. I ran to bathroom and the...
I would definitly recommend a new doctor, he seems as if he treats things like they're trivial. I can sure see how you'd be confused, i would think some annoyance would be in order also....
I was diagnosed with mctd 1 week ago, am now on plaquenil and ultram. I was wondering if chills, cold sweat and then feeling like i'm on fire is the med or the illness? My muscles are in agony...
No the Ultram doesn't seem to be helping, neither does Aleve and other OTC drugs. I was taking way over the amount i should to ease pain, my husband wants me to call my doc in morning so she can try...
Argh!! Dagnabit! I went to get some groceries, and everything hurts! Leg muscles are worst! I have to stop moving and let them rest a few, and my hips in agony. Sigh, I have such a fear of losing my...
Okay thank you for the warning, I had the feeling it would be a long haul. I guess my worst trouble right now is 3 weeks ago I started having PVCs, ended up in hosp. and now under my cardiologist...
Hi, my name is Dawn and I was diagnosed with mctd yesterday, my ANA, RNP and CRP are high. I am glad to have found a place with a supportive group who understands the challenges of these diseases. I...
Hi there, I too am on Plaquenil and have the headaches, been on it only 2 days but was told i may get headaches. :) Dawn...