I had open heart surgery almost 3 weeks ago and my labs are showing low results. Has anyone else had this problem or could this be an underline issue. My doctors are doing weekly labs and results...
I have been fighting with this problem on and off for 3 years now.. going to have my 2nd surgery because of lupus.. does anyone have heart involvement to cause surgerys? I need some insight or...
well my doctor decided yesterday to start me on a steroid bomb, which is 200mg of iv steriods a week.. so I was wondering if anyone has noticed when they take iv steroids do they start feeling cold...
I was on imuran my whole pregnancy with my daughter. I cared full term, and with some research I read that it can cause baby's to be born at a lighter weight. I also was on prednisone most of my...
I did do the benlysta for 2 treatments and I didnt have any severe side effects besides my counts going down. they did take me off my imuran due to the fact of my wbc already being low. but I didnt...
well I just had my labs done and they all look really good. I have my next treatment on the 26th. no signs of infections but I have been fighting some heart stuff and its hard to determine what is...
thank you for the advice... yeah so far I am feeling great.. no side effects yet but its only been two weeks. although I do have to ask.. have you had chest pain from the chemo? when did you notice...
so I had my first dose about a week and a half ago.. and I feel great.. right after the treatment i had a little nasuea but it went away. I was wondering for anyone that has gone through the cytoxan...
So yesterday I had my second dose of benlysta, it has been going well. no major side effects but not improvement yet either.. but its still new so it will take some time. I am a little nervous about...
Thank you judy......
sometimes when I get down to a small dose of prednisone or if I get lucky enough to be off of it.. and have severe symptoms, RA symptoms, Chest pain (paricarditis), etc. . . do your doctors ever say...
oh thank you so much for sharing your experience with me... it helps so much... well I have been on imuran,plaquenil, prednesone, melotrexate and it been 6 years now and it seems like my lupus is...
so while Im waiting for the new lupus medication my doctor has just advised me that it might take some time and this flare that im in is getting out of hand. No treatment is helping & wants to...
thanks all... yeah my appointment was interesting.. my docs said that I need to get on the new med my other treatments arent working but untill we can get it I get to try cytoxan.. I am really...
does any one have any lung involvement with there lupus?? I just got a call that now I have Pneumonitis.. this is completely new... I see my doctor tomorrow, I will start on antibiotics but I am...
yeah my doctor just called and said on monday they are going to do some more research and then I should be hopefully start on this new med.. my disease just wont calm down... does anyone know about...
well I can say your not alone... I am in the same boat.. I have tried to tell my doctors can it be my meds, or depression.. I have been taken off meds and put on meds.. I am clueless too... I cant...
well I have been on and off of it for 5 years.. right now I am off due to the low wbc... and its been a month & half already... but I am suppost to see the doc next thursday and I am sure its not any...
Thank you.. I know that everyone that posts have lupus or in someway in there lives are dealing with this disease. But it truely helps when someone can relate to you. And understand what you are...
So I have come on to healing well.com to seek some relation, comfort & compassion. I know I am somewhat new, but I have many time tried to help others that seem to have the same questions or...
Yeah I have been on prednisone for over 6 years now with maybe an 8 month break over the years... yea its a miracle drug helps us feel good. aches, pains, fatigue, etc... but as much as I love it, I...
I have been suffering for years with low wbc with my flares which I am sure most of us do.. but I have been in a flare for over a month & half.. and my wbc keeps dropping... from 2.0, 3.98 and...
Hi Kathryn, I am sorry that you are having such a hard & painful time. I wish I could help, I am in a flare as well. Doctors have put me on 60 mg of prednisone. YUCK! So I do have a question,...
Oh just to add, I had my aortic valve replaced 2 years ago, tricuspid repaired & partial paricardictomy......
And you always can ask them to do and echo just to make sure that your heart is doing ok... I am dealing with alot of heart problems with my lupus right now.. and alot of my symptoms are similar to...
well the funny thing is I got the results from my rhumatologist, they ran the test cause my heart troubles have been caused by my lupus... I will see my cardiologist tuesday... but I can tell you my...
So today I was told that I have severe aortic stenosis & moderate mitral stenosis... And this is after having my aortic valve replaced 2 years ago... I am stressed & upset... I dont know what...
So I need so help... My lupus is back in a flare, I just got my butterfly rash & body rash to calm down. Now I am back to having chest pain & of course some body ache.... So here is my...
well I do know your concern.. I was diagnosed when I was 17... its really hard to deal with at such a young age, friends & family treat you a little different or they constantly ask about your...
well the paricardiectomy is when they take part of the pericardium out and the stripping is when they take a long line (strip) of the Myocardium out... to be honest I really dont know what that means...
from what my doctors have told me, when you have a positive ANA its basically saying that yes you have lupus & if you are in a flare or not... But most times my doc does complements to determine...
yeah no prob... right now my doctors are trying to figure if I need to go back & do more infusions... I cant stand taking prednisone... I feel like I have been on it for like 5 years straight.....
So I started taking welbutrin about 3 weeks ago... taken the lowest does and i have not had any side effects, well that I thought.. I woke up the other morning with a face rash (Lupus) and a spotted...
So I woke up the other morning with an extreme malar rash on my face.. I normally dont show my flares with an extreme rash.. so I called my doctor, by the time I was done talking to them a spotted...
it worked great for 5 years but they took me off within the last few months due to side effects... I think its a great medicine... but for me, it seems like every side effect finds me... lol...
Yeah I hear ya! I have been dealing with it for 2 years now... I had an emergency surgery, Replace a valve, repaired a valve and a partial paricardiectamy.. but to be honest the recovery wasnt as bad...
well I had it a little over 2 years now and now I am showing signs of a flare... Although I can tell you I did have a bad reaction to the med.... All my platelets drop & WBC tanked.. so the...
Thank you for replying... I have been on imuran for 7months .... And I was on it when I was first diagnosed as well about 6 years ago but they took me off when I was pregnant... I tried mtx and I had...
sorry, what I meant was with the symptoms that I am having they bumped my up to 60mg of prednisone and to taper after every 3 days. And I was already on a low dose of prednisone due to my low wbc....
OK, My Doctors have changed my medications around in the last couple months... the took me off plaqunil (side effects) and increased my dose of imuran to 150mg. My WBC was low so they kept my on a...
well I can say that you are not alone.. I am on the same meds, they just took me off plaqunil because I was have such horrible headaches and brain fog... and increased my imuran to 150 mg... And of...