ANA is not a definitive test for lupus. you can have a positive ANA and not have lupus; you can have a negative ANA and have lupus. This is part of what makes lupus so hard to diagnose. If it were as...
sounds like an allergy- could be a drug (I get this when I take antibiotics) or a soap in your bath, or your laundry detergent, or what you cleaned the tub with, or (if it weren't lasting so long)...
I just posted about this on another thread but I'm going to rave once again about the battery-powered warming gloves my husband bought me. They are for motorcyclists (no I don't ride!). They are...
Kathryn pretty much answered this, but I will second her opinion. The drugs make it easier for you to pick up an infection, and harder for you to heal from it. The reduced blood flow from raynaud's...
maybe you have thrush? Thrush is an overgrowth of candida, which is often a side effect of prednisone. Show your doctor. If that is indeed thrush they may prescribe an antifungal such as nystatin,...
perhaps people weren't replying because they didn't know what MCTD is. I googled it- it's mixed connective tissue disease. Which sounds an awful lot like... lupus. Sometimes these fine distinctions...
I follow a gluten free diet and have for 2 years. I have lupus. I would recommend it. It has helped a lot. I no longer have migraines. My fatigue is significantly less, and i am on no immune...