Yes, this has been helpful to me too. Like you babs1 - I have children that I want to play with and yet some days (more often than not) I don't have the energy to even do what I feel like I NEED to...
My ANA is 1:640, homogonous. It was taken back in October. My primary doctor ordered it and didn't call to tell me about it. I found out when I requested a copy of my labs a few weeks ago. I am...
After reading several posts on here, it seems that fatigue affects people to different degrees, but that most people "do" suffer from fatigue. This is one of my biggest struggles right now. Of...
Thank you both for your replies, it helps a lot. I was second guessing myself - wondering if I was making too big an issue out of it. I will be looking for a rheumatologist soon! Thanks :)...
Over the past 3 - 4 years I have had episodes of extreme fatigue that come and go. I have been diagnosed with nocturnal epilepsy, depression, and degenerative disk disease. After being referred to...