My boss wanted to know all the details because they were nurses theirselves. I to also hated calling in but on those days i would wake up stiff as a board and hurting so much, there was no way i...
my doctor told me that the once a day womens vitamin was good and that 8 out of 10 people have a vitamin d defficiancy because we really dont go out in the sun that much. I hope this helps a little!...
@ Joy- I dont know how but my family doctor believes that ibprophen some how help cause my ITP, so i just kind of stay away from anything to do with it. @ AZ N8ive- My baby boy is due November 19 and...
I was diagnosed with SLE in Oct.2010. I then concieved my first child in feb.2011. My journey started about a year and a half ago. I was always sick. I stayed in the emergency room for the greater...