I'm really at a bit of a loss right now... I'm more than done with dr.'sI had my appointment at the lupus clinic last week, I think this is my 4/5th batch of specialists. They can say I don't have...
I second the don't give up!!I'm not sure how many specialists I've seen now?? A dermatologist, a rheumatologist, a gastro intestinal specialist, an internalist, and finally went to the lupus clinic....
Sorry I have nothing to offer other than a virtual hug and to tell you not to give up!!! There will be a dr out there that can help. It took them 4yrs to diagnose my endometriosis. I saw one dr, one...
Thanks Jessica, I have been diagnosed with celiacs and endometriosis for 10+ years now. I've also had a brief episode of about 18 months of menaris disease (vertigo) that hasn't been too bad and the...
I had an "episode" yesterday. It happened at work, my manager said if she didn't know me and what I had been dealing with lately she said she would of thought I was having a stroke. I had muscle...
Hi Ladies, Natalie, not too sure why they only had you on 1 tab, I tried it and had to take 2. Sounds like they still have you on a children's dose?? I started it right away on 2 once a day. It made...
I read your post in the grocery store line up and started crying, and have been crying all the way home..lol Thank you I'm e mailing you now....
(((hugs))) I've been testing negative for lupus for a year in my bloodwork. Not sure what your symptoms are but all of mine point to systematic lupus. I have had to be the greatest advocate in my...
Thanks, I've been lucky to see some great specialists, and some not so great..lol My rhumy really has no clue with whats going on and how to treat it. He initially started treating me for lupus when...
Hi, I'm new here /community/emoticons/smilewinkgrin.gif My name is Kelly, I have been recently diagnosed with Lupus Panniculitis, with overlapping SLE symptoms. I kept testing negative for lupus in...