This has been the question running around in my head for days...I have been off of eating gluten for years and years now... I won't go into my symptoms, but I "self-diagnosed" myself as celiac...
If it makes you feel any better I'd just like to chime in my two cents... I may have my Christmas tree down, but I've still got a few boxes of Christmas decorations around the apartment and stuff...
I remember years ago when I first started taking plaquenil... at the 6 week mark I only noticed a slight difference.. 3 months later though I was a completely different person physically.. felt WAY...
Lynnwood:) I wasn't insulted in the slightest. Sorry if my reply came across that way. It wasn't intended to. My intent, was more just sharing how I came about it. Now the reason behind these big...
Hi Lynwood: I know that lactose intolerance can be diagnosed... in fact my doctor ordered the exact test that you provided the link for in your reply for me. I went to the lab and turns out I have to...
I wish that it was a simple for me as to eat plain yogurt. I love the stuff. I used to eat it all the time with fruit or granola or by itself. Now I'm lactose intolerant as of the past 6 months. I...
My old rheumatologist had just said, "no, not a good idea." I didn't really get a reason. He just retired and I'm waiting to see my new one in a couple months. I suppose that I could ask a pharmacist...
So, my fellow Lupies, I'm just wondering how many of you/if any are taking probiotics of some sort while on Azathiopurine (Imuran)?? I'm thinking that I really need to be taking them, due to things...
I have had low creatinine in my urine for years.. only occasionally will it be in the "normal". I get my blood and urine checked once monthly right now. Anyways, I ask because my dr has said nothing...
Thanks aimsgirl16 for your reply. My urine was more red than coke/tea colored. I don't usually get up in the night to go pee these days. I'm actually feeling like peeing less than normal. No...
Hi Lynwood, I have no idea if I ate anything with "red coloring" in it..cannot remember truth be told. I don't think so though. As for age, I'm 32 and still menstruating. Thanks for sending the...
So, I'm a bit nervous here. I get blood work and urine done every month. When I left the urine in the cup today at the lab I could tell it was a funny color. Since coming home I've been watching for...