BNP is short for B Natruiretic Protein, it is a lab that tests for an enzyme the heart secretes. It shows how well the heart is working. If someone is short of breath or has gained weight or has...
After a very stressful evening last night, I was expecting my son to have a flare, but I wasn't expecting him to wake up with the complaint of not being able to lift his arms. No pain, no numbness,...
Better visit with the rheumy. Trying to figure out the back pain. He is trying to rule out ankylosing spondylitis. We have added yet another medicine to the daily routine. We now have Meloxicam 15 mg...
I had him take some Tylenol yesterday and he did feel a bit better, only rated his back pain at 5-6 after the heating pad and Tylenol. He is still pretty active when he can be, but it seems harder...
Will definitely bring it up again on our visit with the rheumy. He is currently curled up in bed with a heating pad. He says it helps a little, but not much. We will give your other suggestions a...
I have a 15 year old son that was recently diagnosed with lupus. (First visit with a rheumy if you can believe it). We were told that he has likely had lupus for a few years already. He has tried...