Thanks Lynnwood & Bill! You two are very helpful! I am off the MTX for one month because the surgeon would not do the colon cancer surgery while I was on MTX because it is such a potent...
Wow, thank you Barbara and Bill for your replies. In 2011 I was diagnosed with MCTD and I also had 2 heart stents. I am pretty sure all the inflammatory markers for the MCTD were what alerted the Drs...
Thanks Nina, I was on the MTX for four years (20 mg, once a week) with blood tests every two months to monitor things....
I was looking at the join dates, whoops. Is this the best place to post my question? Thank you for your reply...
HI - newbie here. Seems as though the last post was a few years ago. I was wondering if anyone else with MCTD has been on methotrexate and then developed cancer. Thanks....