I had my biopsy done in February, since then have had 13 abscesses multiple infections and a wound vac. Now my Dr's are making me wait before they cut this huge cellulitis/lymphadema mass that has...
Update: i went to ER at OHSU in Portland, & they cut out the entire abscess & now I have a wound vac in my groin area. Its very painful but no more cellulitis & im off all antibiotics now. I got a...
Thank you both so so much!!! I wished I'd seen your post earlier Mae, i left & came home. I did not know i couldve transported to OHSU from there or i wouldve. Im going to go thru the proper steps...
Ok im getting worried. They want to remove my foley catheter & ive developed a yeast infection. But my concern is, the huge cellulitis abscess hole is directly below my privates. I already had some...
I am in the hospital David. I had a 4th surgery last night around 11:45 pm to drain a 4th huge abscess with Cellulitis all from a groin lymph node biopsy a month ago. They want me to just deal with...
My surgeon wont help this pain. Its pretty severe but the combination they have me on isnt working. Im still hurting badly! They cut deeper & inserted a bigger drain yet expect my pain not to be...
Ct scan shows a 4th abscess so im being sent to salem hospital again to have surgery tonite to have it drained yet again. This thin pen drain obviously isnt working. Im so bummed. I have surgical...
Thank you Mae! Im in the ER again suggested by the nurses at my infusion clinic, but they sent me here w/o giving me my antibiotics & now the hospital is trying to find out if they have ertaperen &...
I just called my surgeon & found out its severe Cellulitis & the antibiotic is ertapenem. I think i should be on vancomycin since it is used more to treat cellulitis. She said to go to the ER if i...
Well I just got out of the hospital. Horrible week! I had that second abscess & it needed to be drained again, so I went to a different hospital & I again told the surgeon I should have a drain...
Hello all & thank you for your kindness & prayers! My sincerest condolensces to your moderator.Its still leaking quite a bit of clear fluid. My NP put me on antibiotics & is sending me to a wound...
Thank you Mae! I dont think its right either to be leaking so much fluid. Ive gone through 3 large towels now in since 11 am, as bunches of 6-7 paper towels werent working. Im going to see my NP (her...
I dont know what to do now but give up & cry. My pcp is no help, Hematologist is no help & by no help, I mean theyre not testing me or advising me what to do & all I see is them expecting me to...
Levothyroxine, Ameperozole, Coumadin, Proventil inhalers, Flo-vent, Flo-nase, Colace, Iron,Lasiks, Neurontin, potassium powders, (milk of mag from time to time) thats pretty much all of em....
Ouch Sean. Dang sorry u went thru that. Thanks for the info on how they do drainages nowadays. Mine had a ton of fluid in it. Im lucky it wasn't infected. Changing the dressing makes me cry every...
Hello again, well the ER admitted me for 2 nights, they cut me open& drained that fluid abcess. No antibiotics given as they said it wasnt infected. I wished now I'd asked why the surgeon didnt just...
Yes thank you ML & Sandia & I too got a kick out of the colonoscopie reference. :) Im now in the ER, as wound site is confirmed infected by a nurse practitioner. She recommended i.v antibiotics since...
No Providence that I go to is small & its in Newberg Oregon....
Thank you Keith. , yeah the Providence hospital I see my pcp & specialists at is in a small suburb. My pcp flat out lied to me today in an email. She now denies my liver is enlarged via my ct scan...
Thank you. No, I dont have much support at home. My ex husband & my 17 yr old daughter are all I have. There arent any support groups because Ive looked. Its hard going through it all alone. Ive been...
I sure will. Thank you all for the advice & support. I have no support & I need it. Its awful being so sick & not knowing why....
Thank you all. I forgot to add, I dont have any hepatitis, not a b or c. I was told by gastro, that its my scleroderma attacking my liver. They also think I have Lupus but have a negative ana. Ive...
Hello all. Im new here. I had to reach out to others going through what I am! Im so down & so scared!!!!! My abdominal veins have been bulging through the years but the last 2 theyve surfaced & are...