Thank you for your help. You feel the MTX has helped you with your Lupus? So far I am only feeling a bit tired, like I have a slight cold....
I was diagnosed with MCTD in June. I have a positive RNP antibody and as far as I know, I am negative for all other antibodies. I basically had a year long flare. I saw a scleroderma specialist this...
I have been getting ulcers on my tongue. Starts out very small with a white halo around it, then just gets bigger....and bigger....and bigger. Thankfully they are THAT painful, but they do get tender...
Thank you again for the info. I will look into more info you posted....
Met with my rheumy yesterday. Thankfully the Prednisone is helping to dramatically reduce the swelling in legs and hands. I also had a biopsy done from chunk of my hand….not fun. He said in two weeks...
Thank you very much for your informative and in depth response. I will take some of this info and my concerns about my symptoms to my doctor. Best wishes to all....
Sadly, the Plaq was not helping as much as I had hoped it would. It certainly helped with some of the joint pain, but the inflammation in my hands and ankles did not seem to benefit. I know you are...
Hello. I am new to this site and was diagnosed with MCTD about a year ago. I was completely healthy, very active, and never had to visit the doctor. I am a 34 year old male and am having a hard time...