What are they saying for your lungs? I have a cough and sometimes feel like have to take a deep breath to not cough. I have an appt in April at the mayo clinic for consultation they don't see...
Thank you Bill! You have definitely helped keep me positive. Is feeling sore like in my back or tightening under my rib cage a symptom or just life lol...
The Drs haven't looked further into things. Only blood work saying my RNP was elevated. I have so many questions and not enough answers. They took X-ray of lungs for a type of fibrosis Hardening of...
They tested said my kidneys were good but what I don't understand by rhuemy Said he doesn't understand the fluid retention. Ok thanks bill. I don't have bubbly urine but I'll bring it up with dr. Any...
Thank you !!! I had the same thing. Drs gave me a dietetic to get rid of fluid all it did was make me dehydrated . Then told me it was nothing to worry about I'm healthy at my age. If I wouldn't have...
How do I find the local chapter? I'm sorry I'm all knew to this and feel uneducated with this. Knowing that I am intelligent and usually know all the right questions to ask I don't know where to find...
Plus thy still don't know what is causing the retained fluid . Is it possible to have a elevated RNP and be missed diagnosed because of an infection in the body ? Haven't lost weight don't the...
My symptoms started as swelling retained fluid in feet then went to legs and that's started may of last year and no dr could figure out why . Kept telling me because of my age it was nothing to worry...
Should I push to see about meds...
Idk the drsaid lets just monitor it every 3 month take blood and check your levels . Nothing else and said to call in have more symptoms . This is why I contacted the mayo clinic for second opinion...
I am a new member as well diagnosed this past Tuesday with MCTD. I have swelling in my feet and legs as to what took me took me to the dr. In the first place. My RNP came back higher so that's what...