I was wondering how many others that have Lupus , Has gotten where their results from their C-3 and C-4 and the Srgeons lab work come back saying - no results due too unknown substances??? Thank you,...
Hello Everyone , I got copies of some of my Labs and noticed my C-4 Was Low.But the C-3 was on the low side but in range.Anyone else with Lupus ever get these results???? Thank y I u Janice....
Lynnwood , Thank you so VERY Much !!!! :) Had a feeling she was wrong on that CBS Lab work. thanks,Janice....
Couchtater, Thank you so much for writting. Do you yourself ever have where your tongue feels burnt??? Janice....
Lynnwood, Thank you very much for writting.I thought so but your right my Ra.is acting like the blood should tell 100%. She just had me do even another CBS and urine protein test. Then she said too...
Hi Everyone, I will try too make this short . I've had Ra.since I was 20.Now 51.and found out throughout the yrs.I cannot tolerate the drugs too slow down the Arthritis . I end up in the ER. With...