I have another appointment on the 14th next month.... so if I start taking the plaquenil what happens with my blood results do they return to being normal or do they continue to rise? Will the tests...
My hair has already thinned out a lot since January :( I don't think I could thin anymore but I will check out that site thank you!...
I've read posts about hair loss, going blind, gaining excessive weight, episodes of violent throwing up..... wish I could go back a few months when my life was simple and lupus wasn't even put on the...
So My rheumatologist performed 55 blood tests on me on the 10th I just checked an online portal with the hospital after receiving a phone call from her telling me that my ANA is now - and my SSB is...
Yes the rheumy is that far away also. I live in a small town and where I travel too is a bigger city. Here you usually get sent there when they can't figure it out or you need more advance testing,...
My dr tested my b12 levels and it was 192 and she said that was extremely low and that it needed to be raised. She said how low it was that I needed to be on the the b12 injections you take one shot...
No I'm no longer taking the b12 shots I was advised on April 2nd to stop the injections ( I only had 2 shots in my system before I had a reaction) .... I have a picture of the back of neck how the...
:confused: I feel so lost right now and like I have no one to talk to that understands............ I have been thinking about weight loss surgery for the past 3 yrs and have made my mind up that I...